Dachshund themed craft projects to make during half term
Dachshund themed craft projects to make during half term
Dachshund origami - or wienergami
The origami dachshund instructions that we tweeted some months ago were created by Fumiaki Shingu. Here’s a link We’ve been making these for a while now with different paper. They'd look great in metallic paper, and we’ve recently found some wild fur effect origami paper online that would also be fun. The instructions can be used on any size of paper so long as it is a true square, so there’s no limit to your dachshund family!
Here’s a couple of great YouTube videos showing you how to make a slightly different paper dachshund, probably not considered to be origami by purists, this is an expandable paper dachshund. See here and here
Dachshund amigurumi 編みぐるみ
Amigurumi 編みぐるみ is the Japanese art of knitting or crocheting small, stuffed yarn creatures. You’ll know what I mean if you check this out online. I haven’t been able to find any free amigurumi patterns in English but you can find several downloadable ones for a couple of pounds on Etsy. These instructions are endlessly customisable, so you can match your own dachshund in colour to give her an amigurumi twin, or make one in fantasy colours.
Stencil dachshunds everywhere
Dachshund outlines are easy to find online, you can trace them onto thick card, cut out the stencil, and then spray or splatter doxie shapes onto whatever you fancy. A repurposed shoe box with a dachshund stencil pattern on top would be a great gift for someone. You could use fabric paint and the dachshund stencil on a T-shirt to make a cool Mothers’ Day or Fathers’ Day gift.
Stuffed dachshund soft toy
For the sewing fans among you, or those that want to try sewing something simple, a stuffed soft toy in the shape of a dachshund is an easy project. Ickythecat on Etsy has a great 1970s dowloadable vintage patterns for a stuffed dachshund, and there are plenty of other patterns available free online. We love the idea that you can use up pieces of your favourite cloth, or recycle or upcycle from worn out curtains or summer clothes to give your fabric a new life.
The same basic pattern can be used to make these dachshund toys into door stoppers (if they’re large enough and heavy enough to block drafts), or a cushion. How about a pair of cushions?
Lego dachshund
This Lego dachshund one is a beautiful dark brown, a mini by the looks of it, but you could scale up and change colours to suit your preference. Pink dachshund anyone?
We’d love to see pictures of your dachshund crafts :) Have fun!