Monthly Archives: October 2022
15, Oct, 2022
How to stop your dachshund begging for food - it can be done!
My bad. Our dachshund begs for food from the table, and it looks like it’s our fault. I realise now that we did everything wrong in the early days. Sunny has always lurked around when we’re cooking and eating - both at home and eating out - harassing us for food. The thing is, we’ve never, ever, fed him from the table. We always knew that was officially a Bad Thing. But he begs for food anyway. Read on to find out what can be done to improve dachshund manners around the table.
01, Oct, 2022
Famously disobedient? Obedience training and your dachshund
One week in 2018 brought the news that not one but two dachshund teams have made it to the finals of the ‘Obreedience’ competition at Crufts 2018 dog show in Birmingham, UK. We can’t have been the only people who did a double take on hearing this. Dachshunds have the reputation of being difficult - if not impossible - to train. Obedience is not the first characteristic that springs to mind for most people when thinking of this breed. Read on to find out what tips we picked up about obedience training your dachshund.
01, Oct, 2022
Big walkies - the rise of the sausage dog group walk
You’ve probably seen that dachshund - or sausage dog - walks are springing up all over the UK. Or maybe we all just notice them more now that the number of these group walks seems to be reaching critical mass. We always had freezing cold fun at our local - and some would say the original - #sausagewalklondon event in Greenwich Park. Read on for our mini report on the best walk we went on in London, and links to a sausage walk near you.